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Future of Transport & Mobility Q4 2023

Targeted investment and talent development: cornerstones of infrastructure delivery

construction team working at site
construction team working at site
iStock / Getty Images Plus / lamontak590623

Damien Owens

Director General, Engineers Ireland

Effective investment in infrastructure is vital to enabling sustainability, health and wellbeing as well as long-term prosperity.

High-quality infrastructure is an important element of a modern society and economy. It strengthens economic growth through job creation and enhances efficiency, productivity and competitiveness.

How infrastructure meets economic needs

From strategies such as Project Ireland 2040 — which aims to provide for the housing and infrastructure needs of an extra one million people on our island — to the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) and Climate Action Plan, correctly targeted investment underpins social cohesion by providing vital facilities, such as housing, broadband, clean water, transport and energy infrastructure for our citizens.

Benefits of targeted investment

The recent €12.8 billion investment in infrastructure as part of Budget 2024 shows the Government’s commitment to deliver the NDP, which will bring long-term, sustainable economic and societal benefits to Ireland.

The Government has also reaffirmed their commitment to capital investment with a total public investment of €165 billion over the 2021–2030 period as detailed in the NDP. This will bring public investment to 5% of GNI*.

This capital investment will sustain over 80,000 construction jobs annually, with a priority focus on solutions to strengthen our housing, climate ambitions, broadband, transport, healthcare, jobs in regions and economic renewal for the decade ahead.

The recent €12.8 billion investment in infrastructure as part of Budget 2024 shows the Government’s commitment to deliver the NDP.

Role of engineers and aspiring engineers

Engineers are responsible for providing the social, economic and productive infrastructure required to sustain growth and competitiveness and attract foreign direct investment. Engineers are in high demand. We must encourage more young people to enter and remain in the engineering sector, including construction and energy generation areas, which are vital to the growth of our economy. We must also innovate to increase the capacity of our sector and collaborate to promote the rewarding careers engineering has to offer.

I would encourage young people thinking about applying through the CAO or pursuing apprenticeship opportunities in 2024 to actively consider a career with unmatched opportunities in engineering. Students and those returning to education who accept an apprenticeship or an engineering course at third level will be part of a profession that is playing, and will continue to play, a pivotal role in our green and digital future. 

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*gross national income

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