Peter Walsh
CEO, Transport Infrastructure Ireland
The N/M20 Cork to Limerick project is identified as a priority investment in the Government’s National Development Plan 2021–2030.
The Department of Transport, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and Limerick City and County Council are progressing the development of the N/M20 Cork to Limerick project.
Providing active travel pathways
As the largest single active travel project to be undertaken in Ireland, the project will provide up to 100km of safe, shared active travel pathways connecting communities from Blarney to Patrickswell. It encourages walking and cycling for work, school and leisure. It links communities, promotes healthier lifestyles and reduces transport emissions.
Transport hubs along the route will feature park-and-ride facilities for public transport, park-and-share and electric vehicle (EV) charging, connecting to local communities with the new active travel network.
Freight hub with extensive transport facilities
A freight hub in Mallow will provide facilities for parking, welfare and EV charging for heavy goods vehicles in accordance with European and National transport policies. The project will facilitate efficient public transport options, including the opportunity for quicker intercity express bus services and improved efficiency on existing bus services in the communities between Cork and Limerick. The project will utilise over 60% of existing N20 road corridor for developing the dual carriageway motorway or reallocating existing road space for new active travel infrastructure.
Bypasses along the route will
remove strategic traffic and heavy
goods vehicles from communities.
Sustainable transport management measures
To encourage sustainable transport choices, support Ireland’s climate action plan and support the maintenance and renewal of the new transport infrastructure, the project team recommends implementing demand management measures, including distance-based, barrier-free tolling.
Bypasses along the route will remove strategic traffic and heavy goods vehicles from communities. This will significantly improve air quality, reduce noise levels and support public realm improvements, sustainable transport and vibrant communities.
Safer, faster M20 motorway
The M20 motorway (120kph), will be five times safer than the current N20 single carriageway. It will reduce intercity journey times by 30 minutes on average. The provision of 80km of divided dual carriageway could prevent 200 fatal or serious injury collisions over the 30-year appraisal period. The addition of 100km of segregated walkways and cycleways will significantly improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists, encouraging healthy active travel.