Professor Mark Ferguson
Director General at Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland

Dr Ciarán Seoighe
Deputy Director General at Science Foundation Ireland
Manufacturing is on the verge of huge change. Smart manufacturing, including things like 3D printing, will see the demands of customers dictate how businesses are run. SFI’s research centres are looking to reduce the guesswork for businesses.
We are standing at the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution, or ‘Industry 4.0’. However, trying to predict how manufacturing may change, is a tricky prospect.
The advent of innovative technologies could put the traditional model of off-shoring production in to reverse.
Work done within factories is likely to change. In fact, we’re seeing robotics unlocking what man and machine are capable of in terms of production and personalisation.
But how does Ireland ensure that its manufacturing industry fully embraces industry 4.0? This is an industry which contributes 24% of its total economic output.
Irish research centres need financial support to keep ahead with industry 4.0
Professor Mark Ferguson, Director General at Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland, believes promoting collaboration between industry and researchers will keep Ireland ahead of the curve.
“Funding research centres, which are aimed at ensuring Ireland occupies a leading position within this manufacturing revolution, is essential in helping us maintain Ireland’s competitive edge.”
Shared solutions to 3D-printing and AI to help the wider research community
These centres will focus on smart manufacturing, artificial intelligence and 3D printing. Thus, giving their industry partners access to research expertise and innovative technologies. It’s the beginnings of industry 4.0
“These centres keep the leading edge of both types of organisation pulling in the same direction. Thus, moving towards a common goal,” says Dr Ciarán Seoighe, Deputy Director General at SFI.
“By developing that community of practice, you create a space where people can share ideas. Similarly share challenges and find solutions to problems faster, building up a core of knowledge.”
In the future, it could be the norm to design your shoes to your exact spec
Increased collaboration between industry and academics should help participating businesses navigate the sizeable impact that smart manufacturing and industry 4.0 will have on how they operate. Furthermore, this impact is likely to completely change the relationship between business and the customer, according to Seoighe.
“If you buy a pair of running shoes, today you go in, get analysed and buy something that’s readily available.”
“In future, people will expect to be able to design their own product. Made to their own specifications, have it built and receive it far quicker than they might do today.”
Outreach programmes encourage uptake of 4IR innovations
The challenges that this new era of manufacturing presents for industry aren’t to be ignored, but neither are the vast opportunities. Also, education on how smart manufacturing might boost workers’ prospects could go a long way towards negating the fear of robotics, centred around a loss of jobs for humans.
“Our research centres run outreach programmes that aim to encourage the public to embrace the changes that Ireland’s manufacturing industry will see,” Seoighe said.
“We want to have the most informed public when it comes to science, hopefully replacing fear of the unknown with excitement at new opportunities.” Industry 4.0 is happening, and it’s coming fast.