Patrick O’Brien
Senior Operations Manager, Stryker
“When you consider that 10% of people living in Ireland have a disability — ranging from physical impairments to learning difficulties, mental health issues to spectrum disorders — it’s an issue that is close to everyone in the country.”
“When you consider that 10% of people living in Ireland have a disability — ranging from physical impairments to learning difficulties, mental health issues to spectrum disorders — it’s an issue that is close to everyone in the country” says Patrick O’Brien, Senior Operations Manager at Stryker, Anngrove.
Be as open as possible to all sorts of diversity; from diversity of thought, to diversity of experience, to diversity of background
and education.
“Over the past 18 months, we’ve focused on making improvements in the area of disability, both within Stryker and in the wider community. We are focusing on a person’s ability rather than their disability.
“Through the creation of an inclusive working environment and on-site mentoring, Stryker is working towards ensuring every team member, regardless of (dis)ability, is supported to be as successful as they can be in the company.
“We are always looking for the best talent to grow our business and we need to be as open as possible to all sorts of diversity; from diversity of thought, to diversity of experience, to diversity of background and education.
We need to ensure we have the broadest talent pool to choose from, while also gaining a reputation within the community as a company that really gives back to those who need our support.”
“Over the last number of years, the drive for equality is clearly being seen in a broad national context — and this is reflected strongly in the many programs we are involved in, most recently and most notably, our Women’s Network.”