Noel Kelly
Head of Digital Transformation, Innopharma

Ann Ryan
Head of Business Development, Innopharma
In a fast-changing marketplace characterised by the drive towards Industry 5.0, digital transformation demands new ways of working, necessitating leaders competent in business, technology, sustainability and innovation management.
The two most significant challenges facing Ireland over the next decade are the transition towards a climate-neutral society and the retention of our industrial competitiveness, write Innopharma’s Noel Kelly and Ann Ryan. Industry 5.0 can help drive this twin transition and involves the interpretation of Industry 4.0 technologies through a human-centric lens.
This 5.0 philosophy broadens the focus from solely shareholder value to value for all stakeholders in society, working towards creating a more resilient economy particularly in the key strategic areas of global supply chain management and hi-tech manufacturing.
The European Commission’s Industry 5.0 policy
This brief emphasises the powerful role industry can play in achieving societal goals through green and sustainable production. Not only do these industries save lives by developing much-needed medicines, medical technologies and food products, but they also provide rewarding careers. To sustain and grow careers, we must successfully digitalise these operations.
To sustain and grow careers, we must successfully digitalise these operations.
Industrial competitiveness and sustainability
A brief on Industry 5.0 was prepared by the Commission’s Expert Group on the Economic and Societal Impact of Research (ESIR) detailing how Industry 5.0 provides an opportunity to reframe the digitalisation and techno-economic vision of the industry 4.0 revolution through the human-centric lens.
Innopharma is working with Industry to achieve this goal and has developed a digital maturity and sustainability assessment tool, based on Industry 5.0 best practice worldwide to specifically assist organisations in formulating an evidence-based strategy that considers their unique technological and organisational direction, roadmap, and destination.
Developing skills needs through education
Digital transformation has become a key strategic issue for companies as it disrupts competitive environments, value chains, business models and professions. The impact on decision-making processes means that managers must rapidly acquire new skills and expertise.
Innopharma Education programmes are designed to meet the skills demanded by the industry now and in the years to come. To date, we have propelled over 10,000 graduates into careers in the sustainable, high-growth industries of biopharma, medtech, ICT and agri-foodtech. We support individuals from diverse backgrounds to transform their professional careers. We develop the future skills they will need to thrive during the fourth industrial revolution.
We produce self-aware, empowered workers and prepare Ireland’s labour force for a human-centric, green and sustainable future. Our success demonstrates that public-private partnerships can deliver a measurable return on investment in people, skills and the future.